How To Buy Websites - by An Expert Investor
A comprehensive education in website acquisition, so you can buy your first income generating website with confidence!
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Buying websites may be just the thing you’ve been looking for.
Hi my name is Jeff Hunt and I'm a website investor. Let me explain why buying websites has some important advantages over alternative business strategies for the entrepreneur.
Here’s the problem. You would like to have your own business, you would like to earn some money on the side and eventually quit your job, but the options don’t look good.
You could open a Taco Bell. Well that’s 1.5 million in net worth, 500 thousand liquid, just to be considered for a franchise.
That’s very expensive. And it’s a taco joint.
Do you really want to make a career of filling in for minimum wage employees who call in sick? Probably not. That is not the lifestyle most of us have dreamed about.
Brick and mortar businesses are just that. They are asset heavy. They have real estate, fixtures and equipment. Those are all assets that cost a lot of money. They are labor intensive. It is going to take a long time to get a return on that investment.
Forget Taco Bell, what about starting your own off-line business?
That doesn’t look much better.
Bloomberg says 8 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 18 months. That’s an 80% failure rate. Statistically you have a much better chance in Vegas.
And it is not just the risk, it is the pain sweat and tears. Pouring your heart into something, your physical and mental energy over a period of months and years with a deck that is clearly stacked against you.
Believe me, I’ve tried it. It’s painful.
I’m sorry to tell you this but starting an “online” business from scratch isn’t any easier.
There are no good statistics, but how many people actually earn consistent income from blogging? How about from direct email marketing? Precious few.
It may seem like a lot of people are successful at it, if you listen to them talk. But how many try it and don’t make a dime? How many try it and only make a couple of dollars?
90%? 95%? 98%? The failure rates are remarkably high. They are even worse than brick and mortar businesses.
It is risky. The time and money investment are non-trivial.
And its hard work.
Anybody can throw up a website. But a good website? One that actually makes money, one that has an audience and consistent traffic? That’s a whole different ballgame.
The bar is high now. Users want to see a good design, they want a great product, they want excellent customer service and easy self service.
It’s not easy to be an expert at design, product development, administration, SEO, marketing and everything else you need to do and be to get a website off the ground.
And you can’t just do those things. You have to do them well.
It is hard to start from scratch.
It takes time.
And at the end of the day you don’t know whether you’ll ever earn a single dollar from a new website.
This is the dilemma I faced. After seven years of service in a third world country, a family of six to take care of, depleted funds in the bank having lived on just $25,000 per year for 7 years, I had to figure out what to do when I came back to the good ole USA.
Sure I could have looked for a job. At one time I had a great job in the corporate world. I had actually loved my job. I learned a ton. Sorry all you haters J
But I didn’t love it enough that I wanted to go back J.
If there was any possible way to make a living on my own, on my laptop, working for myself,
… that’s what I wanted to do.
So I bought websites.
Cash producing websites, not ornamental websites.
Websites that already had traffic, already had customers, already had products, had a way to deliver the products, an audience, a process. A working business.
And it worked for me. Sort of…
I say sort of because there were a few failures at first. But I figured it out and I’ve made a nice living at it.
So let me explain why buying websites works.
1. The returns are great.
According to industry surveys of website sales, a majority of top tier sites are selling from between 2.5 and 3 times annual net income.
So at a 3x multiple you earn back 33.3% of your investment each year.
At a 2.5x multiple that figure is a 40% annual return.
Younger sites that are less established can be found for even lower mulitples and higher earnings.
Numbers like those are VERY hard to beat compared to almost any investment you can imagine.
But it is not just the money that is appealing.
2. It is also the speed. It is fast.
When you buy a web business, you will receive its income stream the very first day you own it. Compare that with starting from scratch with an idea that may never earn anything.
3. Returns are great, it is fast. And It is more certain.
You are buying into websites that have already proven they can make money. They already have traffic, customers, income and a proven process for delivering results.
If a website doesn’t have traffic or income, we don’t even look at it. It doesn’t matter how pretty it looks, or if it can do cool things, or if people say they like it.
If it has no income or traffic, it is not successful and we don’t consider it.
So even at the very beginning of our process we are narrowing our focus down to that tiny fraction of websites that are successful. We automatically ignore the 99% of the web that is dead wood. That’s why I can say this method is more certain.
4. It is good money, it is fast, it is certain, and It is also easier than starting from scratch.
When you buy an existing web business you don’t have to wear all the hats of being a designer, marketing expert, programmer, etc. You don’t have to design and build everything from ground up.
If one area isn’t working or needs improvement you can focus on just that one thing and not have to be an expert in everything.
It’s like on the job training. You learn from something that is already working. You don’t have to be the inventor of every piece of the business.
So that’s it.
- Good returns,
- Faster,
- Easier,
- And less risky than starting from scratch.
That’s the good news.
I’ve owned over 300 income generating websites so this is the voice of experience talking.
I know some of you are listening to this and thinking “I didn’t even know buying websites was even possible.” What kind of websites are we talking about? Where do you buy them?
It is really crazy how these businesses hide in plain sight isn’t it?
They are websites that sell services, that make money from advertising, that sell video courses and ebooks and software, websites that sell physical products, websites that specialize in collecting contact information from customers and sell it as leads. The list goes on and on.
And because there are millions of websites that have a regular income stream, there is also a very robust market for them.
Thousands are being sold at any given time. And you’ll find them in every imaginable niche and category.
The Own The Web video course answers questions like these and many more.
Where do I find sites to buy?
How much do they cost?
How do I run one if I’ve never done it before?
How To Buy Websites is designed for the sole purpose of helping you find and buy the right website and realize all the benefits of being an online business owner.Learn the skills you will need to buy an income producing website with confidence.
Become a competent website business buyer by developing basic investor skills.
- Find out why buying websites is faster, less risky and often cheaper than building from scratch
- Learn where to find sites to buy
- Learn how to spot a deal and a lemon
- Uncover the earning potential in websites
- Learn how to evaluate revenue, traffic, content, dependencies and much more
Accelerate Your Online Business By Leveraging Pre-existing Assets
Why create a travel, sports or crafts blog when you can buy one that already has a steady stream of traffic and is already earning an income? When you buy a website you are buying its audience, its customers and its products.
Buying existing customers is much less risky than thinking “If I build it, they will come.” But as every investor will tell you, not every opportunity is what it seems.
In this course you will learn how to dig under the covers and understand the strengths, weaknesses, risks and opportunities of each website that is for sale.
What’s Inside?
The course moves from the beginning to the end of the website buying process. It explains the nature and benefits of buying websites and moves through the process of searching, narrowing down the search and evaluating prime opportunities.
Here a taste of what you’ll find in the course:
Finding The Winners
- My preferred list of sources for website buys
- How to narrow your search for high potential websites
- Buying websites that aren’t for sale
Website Business Models
- Learn the business strategy employed in each revenue model
- How to size up the models by effort, automation and knowledge
Sizing Up The Opportunities
- How to avoid scams and “lemons”
- Key questions you should ALWAYS ask the seller
- 13 elements of website assessment
- How to evaluate traffic, revenue, content and more…
- How to sniff out inconsistencies
- Lies sellers tell
- How to uncover growth potential
- 47 ways to improve traffic and profits
Website Valuation
- How to decide what a website is worth
- Learn the risk based framework for calculating value
Managing The Sale
- How to make certain you get what you paid for
- How to smoothly transfer the business from seller to buyer
- Using contracts and the Escrow process for your protection
I Own It, Now What?
- A guide to your first steps as a website owner
- How to go after quick profit improvements out of the gate
- How to measure and control your business
And Much More…
- How to find help when you need it for less than you think
- International domains
- Where to find low cost websites
- How to build relationships as you buy and sell websites
- 3 Case Studies of the good, the bad and the ugly
The course is composed as a series of short video presentations. Each video includes an outline of its contents with a minute marker that tells you where in the video to find the topic.
The outlines are visible before you buy the course, so check it out to see exactly what you are going to get.
To get the most out of the course you should stop and practice what has been taught. Go out and find for-sale listings. Evaluate a few websites you are interested in!
Your Instructor
Jeff Hunt invests in and operates online businesses. He is the author of "The Website Investor: The Guide To Buying An Online Website Business For Passive Income". He is also the author of the beginner guides for Buying and Selling Web Businesses published on Flippa, the world's biggest marketplace for websites.
Jeff has owned more than 300 income producing websites and earns his living from his online portfolio. His websites receive more than 3 million pageviews per month.
Jeff is an expert at advertising monetization, having earned hundreds of thousands of dollars from Google Adsense alone.
Before becoming a Shark in the online business market, Jeff was a Project Executive at IBM where he managed 8 and 9 figure outsourcing services deals.
Today Jeff enjoys capitalizing on internet opportunities and helping others to do the same.
Established internet income sources provide the time flexibility for Jeff to teach and coach his colleagues, as well as to invest time in ministry and family.